Get Involved

Image of a hand sticking post-it notes on a wall

What is patient and public involvement & engagement in research?

Patient and public involvement & engagement in research (PPIE) is when researchers form partnerships with patients or members of the public to design and carry out research. By involving patients and members of the public, our research is more likely to be relevant to the needs of society.

How are we involving patients and the public in the STANDING Together project

One of the priorities of the STANDING together project is to ensure the diverse voices of minority populations are heard, and help inform the research.

PPIE subcommittee

We have recruited a PPIE subcommittee, who meet quarterly to help us make decisions about how to run the STANDING together project.

Our PPIE subcommittee members share their unique personal lived experiences, which help us make sure our work is meaningful for real people.

Wider engagement

We'll also be speaking to members of the public about our work using social media and through posts on our website.

If you'd like to speak to us about our work,
please visit the contact us page.